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HMCCQ Rockhampton Area was initially established in 1982, and was the first HMCCQ area outside Brisbane. After a period of independence as the Historical Motor Cycle Club of Capricornia, during which we still had good relations with HMCCQ, the Rockhampton Area rejoined HMCCQ in about 2006.

Our current membership is just over 50, and members ride/own a variety of road and off-road bikes across British, American, European, and Japanese makes ranging from the ‘20s to the ‘80s. Many members have restored their own bikes, and some have club eligible bikes they have owned since new. Whilst most of our members live in Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast, our location as the most northerly area of HMCCQ means that we also have members from the west and Mackay,  and as far north as Atherton.


Rockhampton Area meets on the first Saturday of each month except January. Meetings are normally held at Rocky Sports Club, although we sometimes hold a ride to an alternative location.


Regular events on the calendar include:

  • Capricorn Rally held annually with hosting rotated between Rockhampton, Gladstone, and Childers Areas.
  • Wagon Wheel Run an annual get together of Rockhampton, Gladstone, Burnett and Childers areas at a central destination, with members of other areas often participating.
  • Combined Clubs Salvation Army Christmas Appeal Toy Run, held annually in November; Hosting is rotated between HMCCQ, Ulysses MC, and Harley Owners Group.
  • Mount Morgan Show display – conducted for the past 2 years.

Regular rides:

Our area usually schedules an event each month other than the general meeting. These include rides to locations throughout our region or to visit neighbouring Gladstone Area, displays for local charitable groups, and shed visits. One of our members also organises frequent ‘Thursday Therapy ‘ rides for members who are available. 


Rockhampton Area maintains a Facebook page - 

and a private Facebook group for local members.


For any other information regarding Rockhampton Area contact the Secretary,

Justin Power

Ph: 0428 260316