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Photo Gaven Dall'Osto

Special Interest Vehicle Scheme

If you've done it before, click here to download the Historic Dating and Membership Certificate Form.


The rules around the Special Interest Vehicle scheme are detailed on the Queensland Government website: Queensland Transport.


Inquiries and/or questions about machine Dating or the requirements of the Special Interest Vehicle Scheme should be sent to the HMCCQ Dating & Technical Officer, Glynn Leitch by e-mail.

Club Motorcycle (SIVS) Registration

As a HMCCQ member you are entitled to have your motorcycle registered under the Queensland Transport’s Special Interest Vehicles Scheme (SIVS). This scheme has reduced registration costs but requires eligible motorcycles to be manufactured thirty years or more prior to registration date.

Motorcycles registered under this scheme allows members to ride their bikes to and in any event sanctioned by our Club or other appropriate club.

The motorcycle registration issued under this scheme is conditional on you retaining membership of the Club.

Guidance on the SIVS Application Process


The Special Interest Vehicles Scheme mandates that the owner of the vehicle is responsible to ensure all information provided about the vehicle and submitted as part of the registration process, is true and correct.


In the event of an accident, a false declaration may result in the vehicle being declared unregistered and/or uninsured.


Prepare the Paperwork

  1. Start by download this Historic Dating and Membership Certificate Form  and open with Adode pdf Reader (a link to a free copy of Adobe Reader is available at the bottom of this page). Read the instructions on page 1 of the Form carefully.
  2. Fill in, on the screen, the ‘blue’ entry fields in the Part A section of the Historic Dating and Membership Certificate (page 2 of the Form).
  3. When all Part A fields are complete, print three (3) copies of the Historic Dating and Membership Certificate – photocopies are not acceptable. Do not sign any copies.
  4. Be able to prove1 to the anArea Inspection Officer  the year, make and model of your machine.
  5. Know where the frame number and engine number are on your vehicle, and make them clearly visible.


1 You may need to take along photographs and reference material because the Area Inspection Officer is unlikely to be an expert on all machines.

Vehicle Inspection

Take the following to an Area Inspection Officer:

  • Three copies of the Historic Dating and Membership Certificate with Part A filled in.
  • Your HMCCQ Club membership card.
  • The machine to be registered.
  • Documentary proof of the machine’s age.

The Area Inspection Officer should:

  • Confirm details on all three copies of the Form are the same.
  • Inspect machine and confirm the details are correct.
  • Check your membership is current.
  • Witness (watch) the applicant sign and date all three copies.
  • Print their full name, sign and date all three copies in Part B only.
  • Keep one completed copy of the Form for 12 months.

MOST IMPORTANT: In order to expediate this process for you and to reduce the workload on the volunteer who manage this process for you…follow the following instructions to the letter!

You post two original and completed copies of the Historic Dating and Membership Certificate form, with a stamped self-addressed envelope to the HMCCQ Dating Officer (postal details provided on the form).

One copy of the Certificate will be completed by the HMCCQ Dating and Technical Officer and returned in the self-addressed stamped envelope. This Certificate can then be taken with other registration documentation to QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads to apply for machine registration.

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