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Photo Gaven Dall'Osto

Why Join?


Joining the Historical Motor Cycle Club of Queensland is a fantastic opportunity for individuals who have a passion for motorcycles and a love for history. To help you decide if it's for you, here's a summary of some of the main reasons that you might consider joining:


By becoming a member of the HMCCQ, you can embark on a thrilling journey through time, connecting with like-minded individuals who share a deep appreciation for the rich heritage of motorcycles. As a member, you will gain access to a vibrant community of enthusiasts, where you can exchange knowledge, stories, and experiences related to historic motorcycles, fostering a sense of camaraderie among fellow riders.


The club organizes regular events, rallies, and gatherings, providing an excellent platform to showcase your prized historical motorcycles and witness a captivating display of the region's two-wheeled heritage. These events often attract passionate riders, collectors, and historians, offering a unique opportunity to engage with experts, learn from their wisdom, and expand your understanding of the motorcycle's evolution.

And we have a lot of fun!


The HMCCQ actively promotes the preservation, restoration, and maintenance of vintage and historic motorcycles, ensuring that these mechanical marvels continue to exist for future generations. By joining the club, you can contribute to the preservation of a cultural legacy while indulging in your passion for motorcycles.

... and finally the cost, it's only $50 for an individual full year membership plus a once off joining fee of $20.  For a family it is an extra $20 per person plus the $20 joining fee.

The Historic Motorcycle Magazine

As part of your membership you will receive a full colour magazine 11 times per year. This excellent publication has been printed for over 50 years now, and is highly valued by members.

Packed with articles, reports from Rallies and the Areas, news from the Management Committee on the functioning of the Club, monthly quiz and classified adverts, it is great way to start each month and is worth the annual fee on its own!

SIVS Eligibility

Being a member of the Club also entitles you to register your historic vehicles in the Queensland Government's Special Vehicle Interest Scheme (SIVS) which significantly reduces your registration costs. Typically the saving on one bike will pay for your Club membership!

Many Areas to choose from

The Club has 16 different Areas throughout Queensland each arranging many events and holding monthly meetings. 
Click here to see which Area might suit you best.

                                                                                                                                          Which Area?



So... joining the Historical Motor Cycle Club of Queensland allows you to immerse yourself in the captivating world of vintage and historic motorcycles, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and contribute to the preservation of a rich historical heritage. It's an exciting opportunity to celebrate the past, ride with a purpose, and create lasting memories and friendships that will endure for years to come.

We look forward to welcoming you.