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HomeThe Spencer Projects

David Spencer - Queensland's first Motorcycle Manufacturer?


The Spencer Projects


David Spencer was one of the foremost motorcyclists of his time and probably the first manufacturer of motor cycles in Queensland in the very early 1900s.

Of the ten machines he is believed to have manufactured only two 2 survived (albeit in very poor condition).

These two machines - the Number 3 engine of 1906 and the Number 8 engine of 1908 - both came to members of the Historical Motor Cycle Club of Queensland and have been restored at different times and are now on display in museums.

The Number 3 machine featured in the QAGOMA exhibition "Motorcycles - Art, Design, Passion" and can be seen at The Australian Motorlife Museum in Kembla Grange, NSW.

The Number 8 machine is in the the care of the Queensland Museum Network and currently on display at the Workshops Rail Museum, Ipswich.

Read about the history of this important piece of Australian motoring history in the two stories here.

This story covers the life of David Spencer and gives a fascinating insight into motorcycling at that time, as well as details of the beautiful machine itself.

The Spencer No. 3

This story covers the extraordinary restoration of the Number 8 and features a video of the Spencer created by the Workshops Rail Museum, Ipswich.

The Spencer No. 8